May 12, 2013


Would you rather be in the care of your next door neighbor when you’re having a heart-attack or a by a medical specialist? Would you rather have your maid service/landscaper/pool guy/golf buddy service your car or an auto-tech who specializes in your car’s particular make and model? Today’s world is getting more complicated all the time with the endless amount of new gadgets available for our enjoyment and use.  That means more things breaking down and needing specialized attention.  Human nature is to find the quickest and cheapest fix for the situation.  At PAINTED DESERT HOME WATCH – we are the quick fix because we are the HOME WATCH SPECIALISTS!!  We know what we’re doing and we take the time to do it right.  Therefore, we will save you a bundle of money making our service a great bargain!

Caring for your home (usually a major investment financially as well as emotionally) is definitely an area where you want to find EXACTLY the right SPECIALISTS.  If your circumstances require that you leave your home unoccupied for any length of time, you know you are leaving it open and vulnerable to all kinds of potential problems.  By hiring PAINTED DESERT HOME WATCH to care for your home, you can rest assured that you have hired the best, the HOME WATCH SPECIALISTS!!  Give us the chance to tell you about our services and about ourselves, and we know you’ll feel confident letting us help you care for your beautiful home.  Looking forward to hearing from you 435-668-7545 or  SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!!

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