Tag: catch water leak early
September 6, 2013
What’s the difference between your regular water bill and a $25,000 water leak? HOME WATCH HINTS
What’s the difference between your regular water bill and a $25,000 water leak???? TIME! The amount of time before the problem is discovered and the problem is solved! That’s what makes PAINTED DESERT HOME WATCH of such value to our clients – by being in your home EVERY week and conducting our DETAILED check, we […]
June 24, 2013
Water Leaks Are NO Laughing Matter! HOME WATCH HINTS
Even a tiny leak can turn into a huge, expensive headache and put the integrity of your home at risk. Water leaks cause major damage in a home. For starters, they ruin flooring, destroy wall and ceiling surfaces and harbor the growth of unhealthy molds. The longer water leaks go un-noticed, the more […]