Professional Service vs. Inexperienced Neighbor! HOME WATCH HINT!
Having a neighbor stop in periodically to check your home as a favor may initially seem like a good idea. But when a serious issue arises, or you need someone to take swift action on your behalf, your property can quickly become an imposition for a neighbor. That’s when it’s important to have an experienced HOME WATCH specialist available and with the ability to swiftly coordinate any licensed professionals that may be needed to assist with any needed services.
Our Basic Service plan would include a weekly visit to your home with a comprehensive inspection of both the interior and exterior of the house and the surrounding grounds. This inspection is always followed up with a report of our findings emailed to you on the same day. This report will be enhanced with digital photos of any problems or concerns and followed up with recommendations for solutions to correct the problem. Our inspection checklist can be customized to accommodate your particular needs. There’s so much we are willing to do for you!!